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A Hungarian Joke!

That I actually understand – win! Literally translated it says “cocoa snail” which is what the photo literally shows. But in Hungary, …

Learning Hungarian

I have finally taken the leap and found myself a Hungarian teacher. She was the guide for a free walking tour that …

A Day in the Countryside

A couple weekends ago I went on a day trip into the Hungarian countryside. One of my Hungarian friends invited me, along …

Hungarian Census 2011

October 2011 was the date set for the Hungarian census. It is mandatory for all Hungarians to fill it out. They had …

Photo of the Week: Almás Keksz

Almás keksz or “Biscuit with Apple” This weekend my Hungarian friend and I hosted a Chinese – Hungarian dinner. I tried my …

Trivia Friday II

Today’s trivia question is brought to you from Google! Imagine my surprise when I got online to be greeted by this: Based …

When Hello Means Goodbye

And goodbye means hello. Only in Hungary. In the short time I’ve been here, I’ve picked up some Hungarian. The easy stuff: …

Photo of the Week: Eating Out

This past weekend I had visitors come into town from home. They were friends of my father from high school. I’m in …

Hitting Up the Grocery Store

I love grocery shopping. Especially in a foreign country. You get to see things that are familiar, yet different from what you …

Learning Hungarian

One of the most difficult aspects of this move will probably be picking up the language. Tonight I did a Google search …