Quiz Night In Budapest
I love pub quizzes. When I arrived here, I didn’t think there would be pub quizzes and definitely not in English. Once I found out that there was quite a thriving expat community I started on the search for pub quizzes. Eventually I stumbled upon one that is held at a Scottish Pub every two weeks.
I’ve gone twice now, and both times it has been a disaster and a half. We can have teams of up to 4 people, but both times we only had 3. Convincing people to go with me was half the battle. None of the people I know here are as trivia addicted as I am, but I managed to find people to go with me and it was definitely fun. Both times we came in last place, but we’re determined to keep going until we win.
The questions favoured strong entertainment and pop culture. There is usually a category where we have to name movies from excerpts and another with music clips and another where we had to name famous people based on a photo. Last time there was a category on geography and this time on science. Surprisingly, we faired really well in these two categories. I guess we’re pretty nerdy bunch. The only major topic that hasn’t been covered is literature.
Here’s a sampling of some of the questions they asked last night:
- Name the last movie to win the Oscar for Best Picture, Best Leading Actor and Best Leading Actress.
- What does it mean to have a blue moon?
- Michael Jackson’s Thriller is the number one album in sales with over 100 million copies sold. What is number two?
- What happened in the last century that will not happen again for another 4000 years?
- What palindromic band has also produced a palindromic single?
Pretty tough questions. But we’re determined to win at least once!