Tempting Fate
It was bound to happen. It was only a matter of time. Considering the number of sirens I hear in a single day at work, I’m surprised this hasn’t happened earlier.
I know I’ve written about the craziness that is driving here with cars going every which way and not really paying much attention to signs. This morning as I was eating my breakfast I could hear through my open window tires squealing followed by a loud and resounding crunch.
I’ve heard tires squealing before, but it has never been followed by a crashing sound of such force and loudness. For sure it was an accident. I peaked out my window and sure enough, it looked like one car t-boned the other.
This was taken after one of the cars was removed from the centre of the intersection
What I’m guessing happened was a car ran the stop sign (you can see it in the bottom right – the red sliver). The white car (pictured) had the right of way. The driver, you can see, is on his phone and the fender of this car is almost off. In front of the black van in the picture, you can see a splatter. That is the glass of the other car.
Pretty crazy and definitely not what I was expecting at 8:30 in the morning. Thankfully no one was hurt and no law enforcement was called either. As I was walking to work an hour later, the two individuals involved were still there sorting out the details. Hopefully I don’t hear any more crashes, but I highly doubt it.